Tuesday, November 24, 2015

21 Day Smart Start INTRO!!!!!



First off, CONGRATULATIONS on being one of the few who were selected to be a part of this initial TEST GROUP of The 21 DAY SMART START! We are SO excited about the opportunity to not only work TOGETHER as a team, but also to work with each and every single one of YOU and help you start the same journey that has completely changed our lives!

First off...a little bit about Sara's story with Beachbody....


**Sara's Story with Beachbody & Coaching:

Growing up most would think I was fit. However, fitness didn’t play such a positive role in my life, rather I used it as a form of punishment for my body as I battled an eating disorder growing up.

In college I became the party girl and I used alcohol as a way to mask my disordered thoughts about my body.... slowly they went away, along with my fitness all together.
I chose to party all night and sleep in all day...& REPEAT!

I graduated and got my first big girl job in sales...well I hated it was so unhappy, and 2 months in, I was fired!
I was super depressed, at this time and didn’t know what to do with my life. That's when I started to think about nursing school.

This is when I realized I needed to take control of my health again as I was going to be a health care professional!!
Insert INSANITY….and my Beachbody love began.
Now I wasn’t a coach….just a customer. Completing Insanity gave me such drive and confidence and I haven't stopped working out with Beachbody ever since! I feel in LOVE with the company, the culture, and the COMMUNITY!
It wasn’t until I finally graduated my NP program and started my first job as a NP that I became SUPER anxious..this was the hardest career transition & my insomnia was all time high and anxiety took over me.
I needed an outlet, That’s when I finally decided it was my time for Beachbody Coaching!! 
I had no idea the income potential when I signed up. I just knew that I loved the products and the community I experienced during my first program and wanted to join that on a larger scale!
What I found was incredible! 
Our team is filled with the most inspiring, supportive, and loving people you can imagine. I saw people from all walks of life living their life completely by their own design and I realized what was possible for mine with this opportunity.
Shakeology also completely resolved my insomnia and this outlet has been my savior.
Imaging having the most stressful day at work and then coming home to an inbox full of people thanking you for helping them start their journey, for inspiring them, for being their support. 
What’s so amazing about this opportunity is that it doesn’t require any certification. Becoming a coach does NOT make me a fitness or nutrition expert! You don't even need to be at your GOAL to start inspiring others to JOIN YOU! In fact, it's way more relatable that way!
These people don’t need me to be their personal trainer…and they don’t need a nutritionist, because professionals put together these amazing programs!
What they really need and what I needed, is the accountability and the support of someone who knows what it’s like, who’s been there before, who knows it's hard to make positive changes at times! 
 Some people don’t have a single person to support them in their life and YOU get to be that person! That is the blessing of being a coach!
Now, being a coach also doesn’t mean you’re perfect. You’re a real person but you’re growing and it’s a daily journey …and that’s the core of Beachbody coaching!!

It's not about a gimmicky program or being a professional expert or even LOVING to workout…My own coach who was top coach in 2013 doesn’t love to workout, but she does it, and let me tell you, coaching is the ultimate accountability!!! 

**Ralph's Story with Beachbody:

Growing up I was always active playing sports from a very young age.  As I got into High School I started to lift weights but didn’t have to do much cardio because I was always active.  

However, once I got to college I continued to lift weights but didn’t really do any cardio at all.  In addition, I was not making the best decisions when it came to eating as I as your typical college student (hamburger helper, ramon noodles, pizza, etc.)  

After college I got a job in the financial industry where my hours were not normal due to meeting with clients all times throughout the day.  The number of times I went to the gym a week started to decrease and the weight started to creep on because of what I was putting in my body daily.

Once I realized what was happening to my body I decided to make a change.  My wife (who was my girlfriend at the time) decided to buy Insanity from a late night infomercial.  She was going to start getting back in to fitness so I decided to do it with her too.

This jump started my love with the Beachbody programs because it gave me the cardio I wasn’t doing and taught me how to eat properly.  I went back to lifting weights, doing Insanity for my cardio, and following the nutrition plan laid out for me.  This was going to be a journey not a quick fix and a new lifestyle I was going to embrace.

As you can see from my results, I have lost over 30 pounds and continued to transform my body over the last 6 years.  I have fallen in love with the Beachbody programs and have done every Shaun T workout at least twice over the last 6 years.

I didn’t become a coach until about August 2015 when I realized that I wanted to pay forward what I know to help other individuals. I always got the questions from other guys what are you doing?  How do you maintain that look?  Can you give me some advice? I felt the best way to educate and motivate these guys was to become a coach.

The best part is I don’t have to be a personal trainer or nutritionist to help people on their fitness journey. Beachbody has already done all of this for you….so you just have to pay it forward. 


This brings me to the point of my story where each of YOU are starting TODAY!

BRAND NEW! Maybe unsure if this was the "right time" for you... probably nervous that you will fail... possibly questioning HOW you are going to get anyone to be inspired by you! No clue of where to start......
I had ALL of those same feelings!!! ... Lord knows, I didn't think it was the "RIGHT TIME" -- I was super busy, super anxious, and stressed out.... and as far as FEAR OF FAILURE goes... Sure I was afraid of failure, I'd never done this before and as a perfectionist, it's scary to JUMP IN!!

With all that said... I had one thing that kept fueling me... and that was MY WHY: 
It started as just a way to escape my stressful job....but quickly I saw a community of others living their life by DESIGN and with financial and TIME freedom! My why is to have that same freedom so that I can one day have a family of my own, still work doing something I'm Passionate about, and be PRESENT!


THAT WHY is also going to be important IN YOUR JOURNEY! You have to find something in your life, a motivation that is SO DEEP that you REFUSE to give up on it!

We will tell you, there ARE going to be challenges on this journey! It's something NEW and foreign to you, and there is a learning curve --- But as your mentors, we are hear to SHORTEN that learning curve and give you advice and information that can CHANGE YOUR LIFE --- IF you SHOW UP, ENGAGE, TAKE ACTION, and STAY CONSISTENT!


Listen, we are here to tell you, you are being given an opportunity that can make your WILDEST DREAMS::: POSSIBLE!

In just 4 short years, my coach went from bankrupt bartender to the TOP COACH in the company earning 7 figures a year. She is 31 years old and owns her home PAID IN FULL. Her daughter comes home from school each day and has both a mom and a dad present in her life. You can have that also!!

If you are READY to go ALL IN with us & lay the foundation for a successful business over these next few weeks....get READY!!

We've provided you TONS Of resources here from TOP coaches on our team and ourselves!!

IF you can't get it all in on the given days, that's OK....you have this to refer to!! Take it day by day and you'll get there!

Ralph and I are here to help you along the entire journey!

Smart Start Intro Part 2: Office Tour, Your LINKS & Website

First thing's first....let's get to know your
Coach Online Office!
Watch this little video that will show you how to find your office, set up direct deposit, and set up your personalized websites!!


Your URL to your sites are:

Main Teambeachbody Page:

Shakeology Site:

Coach Page:

Ultimate Reset:

Just take out the YOURSCREENNAME and put in what you chose as yours!


Want DIRECT links to products to make things SUPER SIMPLE for your customers?!?! Check out the link & info below!

1) Phone App - BB Links:
This will allow you to copy and paste your personalized links on a phone app to your customers, super simple!

2) Coaching Codes Website:

(www.coachingcodes.com - ALWAYS double check your links before giving them to a customer/coach)
Just enter YOUR Coach ID and User Name and you have ALL the product links with your personal code! 

3) Sending a Challenge Pack to a customer?? 
Use the Team Beachbody Coach Mobile APP! 
This allows you to insert your customer's chosen workout program, their flavor of Shakeology....and BOOM! It goes to their email and they just enter payment....EASY!! (only works for Challenge Packs though!)

**TIP** - If you get a pop up message on Coach Mobile APP saying they already have an account...they have a coach! SO they'll want to switch to YOU first or you won't get credit for that order!! 

Here's how ---> ( I just copy and paste this to my customers and tell them to copy and paste into the email link with THEIR info!)

"So all you do is click this link to send an email:
And copy and paste this with your info:

Hello, I would like to change my Team Beachbody coach to (YOUR NAME), Beachbody Coach ID # (YOUR COACH ID) my Team Beachbody coach's username, (YOUR USER NAME IF YOU KNOW IT), and email address (YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS USED TO SIGN INTO TEAM BEACHBODY)
My name is [provide your name], my email address is [provide your email address] and my Team Beachbody username is [provide your Team beachbody account username]."


Here are some of the codes I save to a document because I use them most often!
(Just REMOVE 398288 and put YOUR coach ID to use these!)

http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/ BCP21D160?referringRepId=398288 - 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack

Day 1 Smart Start - 3 Vital Behaviors !

Welcome to Our Official Day 1 of the 21 Day Smart Start mentorship training!
I am SO excited to share ALL of our team's “SECRETS” to success with each of you over these 3 weeks, but what you will SOON find out is that our TRUE “secret sauce” ain’t so secret… rather, it’s just UNDER-VALUED and over-looked!
WHY?! Because it's ALL easy to do... but, then again, it's also easy NOT to do... and because the results ONLY show up with CONSISTENT efforts, most people stop actively doing these small things BEFORE they see the fruits of their labor!
But NOT YOU!!! I am bound and determined to get your ACTIONS aligned with those BIG GOALS I know you have... and I HOPE you will trust me enough to guide you in the right direction by following the plan I am going to lay out for you in this group!
You will notice it's PRETTY SIMPLE! Most of what we'll cover comes down 3 things... and those three things happen to be Beachbody's 3 VITAL BEHAVIORS:

My Video on the Vitals:

These three VERY SIMPLE activities, when done CONSISTENTLY, can take you from brand new coach to 6 figure earner IN A YEAR if you wanted them to!
What I'd like for you to do today is to write your "WHY" at the top of the sheet and go ALL IN with me this week on making EVERY SINGLE DAY COUNT! 
It's EASY to get distracted and wonder if you should be doing more... looking at this training, or that video, or doing coach basics (in your coach online office), but let me just reassure you one more time --- EVERYTHING you need to know will be IN THIS GROUP at the exact time you will need it! Look no further than This for now!
Task for the day:
- PRESS PLAY today on your workout and give it your ALL! (Share a pic on your Facebook)
- Drink your Shakeology and make healthy meal choices! (Share one on your wall!)
- Read at least 10 pages of "Rock Your Network Marketing Business" (OR find ANY personal development book or Youtube or Podcast!)
- RE-ENGAGE with THREE existing friends OR three new friends! 
This doesn't have to do with ANYTHING Beachbody!!! 
We are ALL our own very fav subjects! 
GIVE what you like to receive! 
Who doesn't like people to post comments on their posts and ask about their lives! 
Simply make an effort to leave meaningful comments on their FB wall or pictures or message them to catch up!

1. Working on your own journey
2. Sharing it with others

-------> The above takes care of the first 2 Vitals, but let's chat more about the 3rd...PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT!!!

This one may seem like it's taking time away from your business but in fact it's often one of the most important and it's what will create confidence, build the leader in you, and give you the drive to keep going!

** = one's I've read or I'm reading! 

Struggling with CONFIDENCE?

"You Are a Badass" - Jen Sincero**

"Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins **
"Every Day a Friday" - Joel Osteen
"Unlimited" - Jillian Michael's
"GIRL CODE" - Cara Alwil --- heard great things on my next list!

Struggling with TIME MANAGEMENT?

"Eat That Frog" - Brian Tracy
"Push" - Chalene Johnson (www.30daypush.com)

Struggling with LEADERSHIP?

"Developing The Leadership Within" - John Maxwell
"People Follow You" - Jeb Blount
"Leaders Eat Last" -- Simon Sinek**


"Eat Clean Recharged" - Tosca Reno
"Made to Crave" - Lysa Turkeurst


"Go Pro" - Eric Worre**
"Rock Your Network Marketing Business" - Sarah Robbins


"How to Win Friends and Influence people" - Dale Carnegie**
"Five Love Languages" - Gary Chapman

Struggling with CONSISTENCY and achieving your goals?

"Slight Edge" - Jeff Olson**
"Compound Effect" - Darren Hardy**

Struggling with your FAITH?

"You Were Made for a God-Sized Dream" - Hollie Gerth
"Purpose Driven Life" - Rick Warren

We get TONS of our post content from our PD!!!

Day 2 Smart Start -- Facts Tell Stories Sell!

Welcome to Day 2!!

CONGRATS! You DID it! You survived the first day!!

Your personal Transformation is a BIG part of this business:

Everyone always wants to know the “secret” to success. 
The workouts are a step in the right direction...but they are only ONE piece to the health & fitness equation. 
IF you want to fuel your body with the proper nutrients & showcase your results--- you’ve got to do some work in the kitchen! 
We’ll all heard “Abs are made in the kitchen”
But no, that does not mean to do some sit-ups near the fridge!
The trick is figuring out the right healthy foods to eat & how much you should be eating.
We had you INVEST in a Challenge Pack because it combines ALL of the important elements to succeed: Fitness + Nutrition + Support! You are set for success!

The pros designed your workout program, the nutrition guide that comes with it AND you are getting AT LEAST one nutrient dense meal a day with Shakeology (which also satisfies that sweet tooth!)
You don’t have to know all of the antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics, enzymes, & superfoods in Shakeology.....but this is your SECRET WEAPON! 

It will help fulfill nutritional gaps in your diet, keep you satisfied, help your hair/skin/nails, increase your energy, help you feel focused & alert! This baby will help you maximize your results and for $3-4/serving...chicka you’re getting a DEAL!

Pay attention to not only how you LOOK over the next few weeks...but also how you FEEL! You are on changing from the inside out- this is where you start to build YOU testimony, YOUR STORY!!
When sharing the workouts, Shakeology & the challenge groups remember:
****Facts TELL, Stories SELL!**** 
People want to hear about YOUR experience & how you feel. They don’t need an 8 page dissertation about the benefits of Shakeology
You have to show them the VALUE.  What will a Challenge Pack mean for them?  ...does it mean looking the BEST on their wedding day? Losing those last 20 lbs & feeling amazing on their vacation? Finally fitting back into their skinny jeans?
When you associate their GOAL with the price...it makes more sense!

INSANITY & Shakeology were such a game changer for me that I would pay $500 for them! 
And I STILL have and use those dvds!
If you asked me...Is it worth $205 to you to reach your goal weight & feel confident in your skin? HECK YA! Where do I sign up?!



*If someone asks you about another company/product, use the formula:

 “I don’t know about ____, All I know is _____” and share YOUR story!

I don’t know about ______, All I know is...I did the 21 Day Fix with Shakeology and I FINALLY lost that stubborn 15 lbs I couldn’t get rid of!”

The "secret" to all of those Beachbody success stories is that Magic Formula... Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Your Success!

Remember, this is YOUR journey- your success story! You hold the pen, you determine how this story ends...so make it a good one!

********PRO TIP:*******
Be your BEST challenger--

We may not ALWAYS "feel" like getting up and getting after it, and that's ok. Just know that some days you're gonna have to push yourself a little bit HARDER and do a little or a lot more to talk yourself into doing what you KNOW needs to be done.

Save tips, ideas & posts that motivate you or help you stay on track with YOUR journey! 

You guys have an amazing opportunity to not only document your weight loss story (on facebook, a blog, youtube, etc…) and share it, but you can use this as a learning experience to help craft your future challenge groups.  

You want your customers to have the BEST experience because they are your potential future coaches!
I love saving everything to Google Drive (because you can access it from any computer & share with others) OR EVER-NOTE APP!

****Here is just ONE of the 21 Day Challenge Group Guide Template filled with a mixture of my ideas & posts from other coaches, like Lindsay Matway, that have inspired me!

NO, I Do NOT come up with ALL the stuff in my groups on my own...YES I personalize it and use the ideas I love, but our TEAM has TONS of templates to use!!!


Lindsay's website also has a lot of guides

Password posted in our group! OR ASK!