Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 5 Smart Start - How to Respond to Challenge Group Invite/ Objections!

Day 5 of 21!

Alright coaches!!
Here we are! Most of you have CRAFTED a GREAT Invitation Post!! We are all inviting our friends & family to join us in the next Challenge Group.
Is everyone all set to POST their INVITE!?
WAIT…. what do you do after you’ve posted it? What if no one responds? What if 100 people message you? What do you do!?!?!
::::: BREATHE ::::::
Some of you will have a great response - to you I say: Take one message - one PERSON - at a time.

Some of you will not have much response - 
to you I say: THAT IS OK!!!!  
That has happened to ALL of us many times. You keep posting VALUABLE content along with your invitation post. You message people personally to invite them too!
In this video, One of our leaders shares FIVE Tips that you NEED to hear before you start answering people’s questions.
Next, I posted 2 different examples of conversation types. 1 with a prospective challenger & 1 with a prospective coach.
Be sure to READ these & really see what I’ve done. See how I have breadcrumbed the information, asked questions, explained fears based on my personal experience, but I’m not giving TOO MUCH info TOO FAST. 
(I know these may be hard to read...I can send to you, let me know!)

Below is My own personal example and great way to FOLLOW UP after having that initial convo if it went stale!!!

AFTER I find out THEIR goals and they say they're interested in the group....
USE 3rd PARTY TOOLS to explain the group!!
We usually ask them their goals, fears, what they've tried before and if they're interested...instead of explaining the group details (and word vomiting lol) We use videos to explain it!
**Our 2 favorites:
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZFyU1aqAaU

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY73Z6p3jl8

After this I ask them to let me know what they liked best about this and if it seems like something they'd like to do! Let this video explain the details so you don't have to WORD VOMIT!
Have a Coach Prospect?????
This is the video we send to our coach prospects, here is the link: http://bit.ly/BasicsofCoaching

Let's Talk OBJECTIONS!!!!

*OBJECTIONS*, you are GOING to have them! 
We want you to POST THESE OBJECTIONS in our group so we can HELP YOU!!!

If you share those objections with us when they come up, we will help you learn what to say in return!

Your CALL TO ACTION for today is to post in our GROUP the names of THREE people you ENGAGED with or INVITED to a Challenge Group today.

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