Day 18 of 21!!! - Following up and Last Min SC Points!(don't miss the video at the end of this!)
This week you have learned SO MUCH!!! You've learned how to talk through common objections, how to make people feel valued, the importance of Success Club, the ever-valuable Google Drive, and how this is a RELATIONSHIP business. Your brain is so full!
Isn’t it awesome????
Today we are gonna touch back on following up with prospects.
When you are reaching out to people to invite and follow up, you may feel like your trying to GET people. Like you’re on the HUNT. And take it from me, you do NOT want to feel that way. If YOU feel that way, chances are, they're feelin’ it too!
Remember how these products and Coaching have positively changed YOUR life and must that same enthusiasm! We have GREAT stuff to offer people, don't hold out on them!
Instead, always approach Success Club and adding to your team as: WHO CAN I HELP today????
Aim to keep THEIR goals and their best interest at the forefront of your mind. Really find out their goals, their WHY and what kind of workouts they would like. Give them options (2-3 max).
I always mention the CP promo, my favorite workout, and a fan favorite. People like options (but limit it to 2-3 to not overwhelm them!!!).
You def don’t want anyone to make a hasty decision and end up with a program they don’t jive with, and therefore never use. That person will not likely reach their goals and want to join your team.
All of the details of their desired program can be discussed in the follow up questions.
I know sometimes it feels like we are BOTHERING people. But consider this:
It has been studied that it takes people hearing something anywhere from 5-12 times before actually deciding on it. You literally want to GO FOR NO.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the message, "I am so glad you didn’t give up on me. Thank you!"
***Example of my personal follow up: ****
If I hadn't re-messaged her...I wouldn't have gotten to work with this amazing woman!!
It has been studied that it takes people hearing something anywhere from 5-12 times before actually deciding on it. You literally want to GO FOR NO.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the message, "I am so glad you didn’t give up on me. Thank you!"
***Example of my personal follow up: ****
If I hadn't re-messaged her...I wouldn't have gotten to work with this amazing woman!!
When I think of following up, I always think about the lady who sold make-up. She reached out to me and asked if I would like to buy some makeup from her online catalog. She gave me her website and we ended the conversation.
I went online, picked out some products and got side-tracked.
I never completed the order and I never thought of it again. Point is, life get’s BUSY, we get detoured, we forget.
Had the consultant followed up with me, she would have made the sale, and I would have had new makeup.
I went online, picked out some products and got side-tracked.
I never completed the order and I never thought of it again. Point is, life get’s BUSY, we get detoured, we forget.
Had the consultant followed up with me, she would have made the sale, and I would have had new makeup.
Always follow up!!!! The FORTUNE is in the Follow up!!.
A follow up could be….
**referring to the sale:
Hey girly!!. I just wanted to pop in an follow up with ya. I know you were interested in picking up the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack and I didn’t want you to miss the discounted price as it ends the 30th? Did you ever get a chance to check out the link??
**reminding them of your next group:
Hey Sarah!! How you doing love?? I just wanted to check back in with ya. I have another accountability group starting in a few weeks and I thought of you! I know last month wasn’t the best time for ya, but I have a vested interest in helping you lose those 20lbs so you can feel great about yourself again. Did you make plans to get started on your journey?
**Using the "I saved your spot, but others want it" Technique:
"Hey laurie! How are ya girl? Listen, I know we chatted briefly before about joining my next group. I had saved you a spot but there are others who are interested! I didn't want to give yours away since we talked first but I need to know if you want to do the group this month or want me to check back in next month?"
**Using the "I saved your spot, but others want it" Technique:
"Hey laurie! How are ya girl? Listen, I know we chatted briefly before about joining my next group. I had saved you a spot but there are others who are interested! I didn't want to give yours away since we talked first but I need to know if you want to do the group this month or want me to check back in next month?"
**finishing a product. (full convo)
Hey Joey!! How’s it going buddy?? Just wanted to check back in after our last convo. I know you'd said you’d like to give ShakeO a try when you finished your current supplement. I made a lil mark in my calendar and today was the day!!! You ready to give this crazy shake a shot??
---yeah, thanks. How much is it again??
Me: A bag of ShakeO, (which is 30 meals and 30 days of vitamins). It breaks down to about $4 a day (better than saying $130!!). When do you normally have your shake?
----usually in the morning.
Me: Yeah, no doubt! It’s quick and convenient and starts the day off RIGHT!! Are you still working at Raymond James??
---yes I am. Convenient sounds good.
Me: Uhh well…you might want to consider it for lunch, haha. I know you guys have the hook up in the cafeteria. You could look forward to your yummy shake and bypass all the other tempting treats. Do you like chocolate??
---ha! You’re so right about that. And yes, I like chocolate.
Me: Cool. Chocolate is the best. Hey look, when you order, make sure to order on HD (autoship), it saves you $14 on shipping! And of course you can postpone or cancel your order at anytime. But most fall in love!
And to confuse you a little more, haha, we actually have a sale this month that get’s you a bag of ShakeO and a fitness program for about the same price as a bag of Shakeology itself!
If you’re in the market for a workout now or even in the future, a Challenge pack makes more sense for ya. More for the money!
If you’re in the market for a workout now or even in the future, a Challenge pack makes more sense for ya. More for the money!
---I’m gonna look at it when I get off work.
Me: awesome, I‘ll check back tonight to see if you have any questions. Have a good one.
---great, thanks. You too.
*** then you follow up again later that evening, and keep doing so until the order is in your back office. Find out if they’d like to be in a group, or how often they’d like for you to check in on them.
Remember, this business is about establishing relationships. Some ‘transactions’ will be quick and easy, others take several follow ups and conversations and MONTHS to build trust...but those people will be more LOYAL once they join you!!
And of course, hearing NO will not hurt you. Almost every NO I have encountered has been a NOT RIGHT NOW, and when they were ready, they came back to me. And that is a GOOOOOD feeling.
Aim this week to GO FOR NO. Instead of setting Goals based on how many YES’S you’re gonna get, set a goal on how many NO’S you want. (It's a numbers game!)
Your goals is to get SC5 by the end of the month!
That's 30 days to sell 3 Challenge packs. If you want three YES’S, your gonna want to start chatting with at least 20 people and that very possibly will mean some NO's.
That's 30 days to sell 3 Challenge packs. If you want three YES’S, your gonna want to start chatting with at least 20 people and that very possibly will mean some NO's.
Share in the group how many SC points you currently have and how many NO’S you are aiming to hear in order to lock in Success Club by the 30th!
**WATCH Kati's Video on how to RALLY last min SC points!!! (I've literally hit it on the LAST hour of the last day and it all came down to my mindset!!)
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