Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 9 Smart Start - INVITING: How To's and Price Objections!

Day 9 of 21!

When we invite it goes one of four ways:
1. Yes!!
2. Not right now.
3. Crickets.
4. Can I just purchase the workout and NOT Shakeology?
I’m going to help you learn how to move through this!

*Start with this Video on the 5 Step Invite Process:


(FORMING comes tomorrow so HOLD TIGHT!!)

When you’ve taken the time to talk with your future challenger, you’ve gotten to know their goals, you’ve helped them pick out the PERFECT program for THEM & they give you the FEELING that they are ready to DO THIS with you.
This is what I want you to practice doing…
I want you to ask a DIRECT question:
“I am SO excited for you Jackie!!! I cannot WAIT to celebrate your success with you & see you SUPER CONFIDENT in your wedding dress!
Do you have 5 minutes now for me to walk you through grabbing your Challenge Pack?”

When they say yes… give them STEP by STEP directions! Use CoachingCodes.com or BB Links to give them a direct link to the CP they want. 
Ask them to shoot you a message when they have finished placing their order so you can TRACK THEIR SHIPMENT and RSVP them to your Challenge Group.
Next Response:
“Sounds like something I would love to do - I just don’t have the money right now.”
This is a GREAT answer still. It is IMPERATIVE that you SET UP for the Follow Up though!
This is what we want you to practice saying:
“Ok!! NO WORRIES!! I actually host a new Challenge Group every month! I’d love for you to join us when you can, I know you will love it! 
Would it be ok with you if I put a reminder in my calendar to follow up with you in a few weeks to see if thats a better time for you?”
Third Response:
They showed interest initially & asked what your Challenge Group was all about… but shortly after there was no response.

Give it 1-3 days. Remember life is busy & not EVERYONE checks into Facebook daily.
When you’ve given them a couple days… simply shoot them a quick but direct message:

“Hey girl! Totally not trying to bug you, but I’m finalizing my June Challenge Group. I am saving you a spot, but I have others who are interested!! Are you still wanting to join us?

At this point, if they say YES - refer to first scenario. If they say NOT RIGHT NOW - set up a follow up time in a few weeks. If they STILL do not respond - it’s time to jot their name down on your list & move on.

Last Response:
“Can I just purchase the workout and NOT Shakeology?”
This is where you need to STICK to your guns. They will NEVER value Shakeology if they do not see that YOU value Shakeology.
(Now, I do coach people without it and I do allow them into my groups...but I always share with them the VALUE first!)

Here are some example of what you could say:

**Use this if you REQUIRE CP for your online Challenge Groups***:

“You know…. You can definitely get started with just the Beachbody program if you’d like & I’d be happy to check in with you once a week for support! The online Challenge Group requires Shakeology daily since this ENSURES your results… because your nutrition will be ON POINT! I know I was hesitant about Shakeology at first, but I learned to give up my 2 Diet Cokes a day to cover the cost & it is essentially my secret weapon that kicked my Double Stuffed Oreo habit. It replaces a meal, so basically I buy 30 days worth of breakfast up front. I know it will help you get the results you are looking for. Do you want to try it?”

***Use this example if you're going to allow those without Shakeology in the groups also!****:

If they say " Shakeology or CP is too Expensive!!!"

--Customer - “oooh that’s really expensive” 

What do you do?

1) Empathize -meet them where they are

Coach - “Yea you know, I actually had the same thought when I was looking to try shakeology the first time. I actually thought it was pretty expensive and I have challengers who said they felt the same way"

DO NOT talk about ingredients, vitamins…not helpful!

2) Share your experience/challenge experiences:

Coach --“you know I thought it was expensive at first and I wasn’t quite sure about it but then I started doing the math in my head and I realized, ok, you spend ~4$ on Starbucks, energy drinks a day, or you’ll stop off at subway, panda express, etc. and spend 7,8, 9$ at quite frankly an unhealthy meal."

“So I did the math and with Shakeology being less than $4 per meal, I realized I can actually save money doing this and I do! And that’s what a lot of my challengers do too…..so I’m not sure if that’s helpful for you…but that’s my experience"

3) Put the decision back onto them in a easygoing way!!

Coach— “you know, my goals is to support you wherever you’d decide to star, my recommendation  is to do the challenge pack because quite frankly this is what 99% of my challengers do that are successful. 
I want you to be successful, but I also want you to feel comfortable, so where ever you want to start, you let me know" 

BOOM!! Let them decide....plus if they're in your group, they'll see others loving SHakeology and most often want to try it too so it's ok!!! 

BEST SHAKEOLOGY VIDEO WE USE TO SHARE with Prospects to explain it all !!

Video on this:
Alright - thats a LOT of info. Don’t feel like you need to MEMORIZE it all. Before you know it - this will be second nature to you!! For now, use this as a REFERENCE. You are LEARNING!
Your ASSIGNMENT today is to craft another Challenge Group invite post! 
You are trying to LOCK people in for the next group!
Remember, feel FREE to send your post to your COACH for review before posting!

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