Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 14 Smart Start - Inviting & SAMPLE Conversations CON'T (MORE SCENARIOS)

Day 14....Today we're going into the INVITE and Conversations!


When you are inviting, you are going to run into to SOOOO many different scenarios.
Some people are READY, excited and KNOW what they want. Others need to ask questions, understand, and take their time. Some seem so interested, you think they are gonna join any minute and reach some crazy-awesome goals, and then, they enter the Witness Protection Program. Gone. Just like that...Vanished. It's CRAZY!!!!
But it's our job to talk with people and see who is ready to put in the work, invest and receive our help. We will be inviting challengers and coaches. And with either, you are always, always, always going to want to start by getting their GOALS and their WHY upfront!

***Check out this GREAT video on the INVITE PROCESS!******
And again, you’re gonna get ALL kinds of questions, situations, and excuses. hahaha These are some mock convos to help you roll with it.
"This sounds awesome. But I really just need the shake, I've got a gym membership."
Oh yeah, you're gonna LOVE ShakeO! So yummy! I know you love the gym and that's totally cool, but if you ever have a day where you don't feel like dealing with traffic, or weather, or PEOPLE (haha) you might want to check out some of the cardio-based programs that are def more fun than the treadmill. Besides, scooping up a Challenge Pack is close to the same price as a bag of ShakeO! Have you seen the infomercial for T25?
****A lot of times when people aren't understanding the VALUE of a CP. I usually say something like::
The CP is def more bang for your buck. You get a bag of ShakeO, the fitness program, access to the online group, AND a free coach upgrade if you ever want to sign as a coach for the Shakeo discount or perhaps turn your results into an income-earning opportunity like I did. What kind of workouts do you like?

**I really stress the importance of the group! I talk about how they'll get TONS of resources, community support, and daily motivation!**
"I'll probably like to coach one day, but I want to work on ME first."
I totally understand THAT! Girl, I started when I was a few weeks pregnant (or I was super busy, I wasn't at my goal weight, or whatever your story is!) and I didn't think I could inspire ANYONE. But what I found was the coaching gig actually kept me accountable to my own health goals. And by me posting my workouts, Shakeology and clean meals, I was attracting a lot of people who needed and wanted help! Coaching was my ultimate accountability partner. Besides, a perfect body isn't what inspires, taking ACTION inspires! Do you think anyone in your life would like a lil motivation and accountability?
>>Witness protection Program/ MIAers:
After a couple of follow ups of reminding them of your up-coming group or if they had a chance to look at your site, you can CUT THEM LOOSE. It's a low-pressure way of saying... YOU ARE IGNORING ME!!!
It can sound like this:::: 
"Hey girl! I know your goals are important to you and I'd LOVE to help you reach them. But maybe now isn't the best time for ya. Would you like me to keep you posted on a group in the near future? "
"I'm going to order/sign on Friday!"
Sounds good girly!!! I'll check back in on Friday evening to see if you found everything ok! Oooohhh I'm EXCITED!!!  What Challenge Pack did you decide on??
"I'm just gonna finish up these shakes I have here, then I'll join you!"
OK! I think that's a great idea! How long do you have left?? Just want to make sure I get back in touch with you in time to get you in one of my accountability groups! *then mark your calendar
"Sounds like this is a gig best suited for girls"
Haha. You crazy. First, my husband does awesome with this. Second, the 2010, 2011, and 2012 Top Coaches were males.
The opportunity to help people feel better and live better is gender neutral.
And don't get me started on freedom. We all deserve that, right?? Both sexes.  Plus, you could do this with your wife. Does she love what she does for work now?
"Can you give me some more info on Coaching??"
{{{I do my best to answer questions and find out what they are looking for BEFORE I bring in a 3rd Party tool (video), but sometimes, people want to hear from someone OTHER than you.}}}} 
When people ask for more info on the coaching opportunity, AFTER I've given them my own information, I do this:

Watch these short lil videos. They can give you a bird's eye view of what we do. Sometimes videos can be cheesy, so just think BIG PICTURE.
Introducing Team Beachbody- 7 minutes
'Decide' -13 minutes
'I'm a Coach' -3 minutes
'Take the BB Challenge' -5 minutes
FOLLOW UP: Hey Casey, what'd you love most about the videos? Pretty fun huh?
"Which program do you think I'd like better? Turbo Fire or 21 Day Fix?"
That's totally up to HOW you like to workout!  TF is high energy cardio with some choreography that's fun to learn. The 21 Day Fix is a guided portion control program that has strength training and cardio-based fitness. This program has been getting people RESULTS!!
Watch these two lil vids and see which you would like!! (give them 2 trailers from YouTube to watch and pick!)
FOLLOW-UP Hey girl! I'm getting so excited about our group! Which program looked like more fun to you?!?
Whenever someone is giving me a price objection, and I don't run into this MUCH bc I don't anticipate it, I ask them:
If you were to (insert their goals here) and feel better about yourself, gain back your confidence and realize your potential, would that be worth the initial $180 investment?
Their answer is always yes. I would then say. Give yourself a shot at this. Go all in and commit. Invest in yourself. I will be here to help you reach your goals and make your investment count. I'm rooting for you!
((If still no....))
If it's absolutely impossible to do now, do you want me to check back in with you for next month's group?

**I save the Money Back Guarantee for last resort but USE IT if needed!! They have nothing to lose!

*tip: Copy. And. PASTE. hahaha into a doc for future reference!
As always, put your personality in your convo. You don't have to sound like an operator. Think and speak with your heart. Take SC points OUT of the equation when you are talking to others about THEIR goals.
And re-read what you type BEFORE you send. Read it as the receiver. How does it sound??
Remember, the more you talk, the better you get. The more you invite, follow up, and close, the BETTER YOU WILL GET!
TODAY, say this: "People want to join me. I can help people. I have something of value to offer! I'm awesome!!!" All day long. In the mirror, out loud and to your family. :)
Then, make a post about how excited you are. How you love this opportunity you have stumbled upon. How you have a REALLY good feeling about this. A proclamation of happiness.
You do not have to INVITE or have a call to action.
EXCITEMENT speaks volumes!!

Passion and Excitement on FIRE is better than anything most often!!
Share your post examples in the group once they're done!

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